User shall be understood as any person browsing the website, hereinafter simply the website.

The publisher shall be understood as the owner of the website, who is identified in the Pivacy Policy.

User navigation on the website is a manifestation of their acceptance and authorization for the use of cookies in their browser. If at any time you wish to revoke this authorization, you may do so without hindrance. For this you can view the section Deactivation or deletion of cookies, which is described in these policies.

The publisher is completely free to make the changes it deems pertinent on the website. For this, you can add sections, functionalities or any element that may generate the use of new cookies, so the user is advised to verify this cookie policy each time they access the website, so that they can keep updated for any changes. that may have occurred since the last visit made.


Cookies are information that is stored in the browser of the user of a website in order to consult the previous activity that he has had, as well as remember certain data for a next visit. Its use is widespread and has been so for many years.

They usually store technical data, usage statistics, links to social networks, management of personal preferences, among other functions, in order to be able to adapt the website to the needs and settings of the user, thus improving the browsing experience. Not accepting them could hinder the service that the website wants to offer.

They are not virus files, spam, Trojans, worms, spyware, or advertising programming either static on the page or in a pop-up format.

For more information, deactivation of cookies or eliminate them you can see this link


In compliance with the regulations established by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, the user is informed that this website uses the following cookies: technical, personalization, and analysis as follows:


  1. Session or user input cookies: related to your activity on the website, these cookies are used to record what you have filled in the forms, or test resolution to determine the humanity of the user, in order to avoid spam or unauthorized automated applications. Used, for example, to be able to write comments on a blog, store products in a shopping cart, view a personalized customer zone.
  2. User security cookies: in order to avoid erroneous attempts to connect to the website
  3. Cookies for personalization of the user interface
  4. Plug-in cookies to exchange social content

From third parties:

  1. Google Analytics: Google, through its Analytics service, stores cookies in order to have the necessary information to generate information on statistics of traffic and volume of visits to the website. By browsing and using the website, the user accepts these cookies and their treatment. To exercise any related rights, you must contact Google directly.
  2. Social networks: This website is connected to some social networks such as Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, among others that are expressly indicated on the website, in order to be able to share or comment on the content of the website, each network being social indicated on the website, responsible for the cookies installed in the user’s browser.

Deactivation or elimination of cookies

At any time the user may exercise their right to refuse cookies and may, consequently, deactivate or delete them. To do this you must follow the instructions depending on the browser you are using to navigate the website, you can see some examples in this link.

Cookie Notices

The publisher is not responsible for technical failures that the user may find on the website or in their browser for mistakenly manipulating the deactivation or elimination of cookies, at all times the user must verify the information on their deactivation or elimination. in the help section of the corresponding browser. The user assumes the responsibility of deleting or deactivating the cookies in her browser and, therefore, assumes the consequences derived from this.

The publisher at no time is the one who creates the cookies, these files come preconfigured in the user’s own browser, the plugin used, as well as the necessary editing tools used to create the website.

If the user has deleted the cookies, and wishes to browse this website again, he must once again accept the cookies.

In the case of Google Analytics cookies, the data collected by this company is anonymous, it stores cookies on servers located in the United States, they have declared that they do not save the IP address or personal data at any time, and they will not share the information with third parties except in cases that are requested by judicial decision. Google Inc. has signed the Safe Harbor Agreement, thus guaranteeing that the transferred data is treated with a level of protection as required by European regulations. If the user wants more information about the cookies collected by Google Analytics, he can visit this page

At all times the user may contact the publisher via email

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